Exciting news at The Dent-ed Barn

Yesterday saw the beginnings of another 'cottage' industry at The Dent-ed Barn. We are very fortunate to have a number of bee hives on the Farm. Strategically located around the farm to make the most of the amazing native bush which has been flowering well this year. From traditional Manuka to Privet and clover, all have been flowering well.

Our friend and local bee keeper maintains the hives and the honey produced is distributed between us.
We started with bees on the Farm last year but sadly all four hives died over the winter months. Positioning has much to do with it and whilst we believed that the were well placed, nature had other ideas. having re-positioned them and introduced new swarms just 4-weeks ago, yesterday was our first pickings. The flavour was simply amazing - and that from a person that can take or leave honey.

The Pumpkins are growing at a pace now, clearly helped by the bees pollinating them at such close range and the amazing soil that they can now grow in after having pigs in the paddock for the last 2 years. We hope that these will also become a regular feature along with watermelons next year. The 'end game' is to convert this paddock into an amazing vegetable patch which, will then supply a small farm shop for local traffic and passers by.
More to follow.......